விண்டோஸ் ரெஜிஸ்ட்ரி ரெஸ்ட்ரிட்க்சன் வேல்யூஸ்

விண்டோஸ் ரெஜிஸ்ட்ரி ரெஸ்ட்ரிட்க்சன் வேல்யூஸ் இதோ உங்களுக்காக கீழே 
Create a new DWORD value based on the options below, and set the new value to equal "1" to enable the restriction or "0" to disable the restriction. 
  • AlwaysPromptWhenDownload - Always prompt user when downloading files.
  • NoBrowserBars - Disable changes to browsers bars.
  • NoBrowserClose - Disable the option of closing Internet Explorer.
  • NoBrowserContextMenu - Disable right-click context menu.
  • NoBrowserOptions - Disable the Tools > Internet Options menu.
  • NoBrowserSaveAs - Disable the ability to Save As.
  • NoFavorites - Disable the Favorites.
  • NoFileNew - Disable the File > New command.
  • NoFileOpen - Disable the File > Open command.
  • NoFindFiles - Disable the Find Files command.
  • NoNavButtons - Disables the Forward and Back navigation buttons
  • NoOpeninNewWnd - Disable Open in New Window option.
  • NoPrinting - Remove Print and Print Preview from the File menu.
  • NoSelectDownloadDir - Disable the option of selecting a download directory.
  • NoTheaterMode - Disable the Full Screen view option.
  • NoViewSource - Disable the ability to view the page source HTML.
  • RestGoMenu - Remove Mail and News menu item.
Restart Internet Explorer for the restrictions to take effect.
Registry Editor Example
|(Default)REG_SZ(value not set)|
|AlwaysPromptWhenDownloadREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoBrowserBars REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoBrowserClose REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoBrowserContextMenu REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoBrowserOptions REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoBrowserSaveAs REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoFavorites REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoFileNew REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoFileOpen REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoFindFiles REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoNavButtons REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoOpeninNewWnd REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoPrinting REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoSelectDownloadDir REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoTheaterMode REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoViewSource REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|RestGoMenu REG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explo...|

  • NoChangingWallpaper      - Disable the ability to change wallpapers.
  • NoComponents                  - Disable components.
  • NoAddingComponents       - Disable the ability to add components.
  • NoDeletingComponents    - Disable the ability to delete components.
  • NoEditingComponents       - Disable the ability to edit components.
  • NoCloseDragDropBands  - Prevents adding, dragging, dropping and closing the Taskbar's toolbars.
  • NoMovingBands                - retrict adjustments to desktop toolbars
  • NoHTMLWallPaper           - only allow bitmaps (BMP) as wallpaper
These restrictions can be used either on a user by user basis by adding it to HKEY_CURRENT_USER or on a computer wide basis by adding it to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Registry Editor Example
|(Default)REG_SZ(value not set)|
|NoChangingWallpaperREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoComponentsREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoAddingComponentsREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoDeletingComponentsREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoEditingComponentsREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoCloseDragDropBandsREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoMovingBandsREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
|NoHTMLWallPaperREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|
Registry Settings
User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disable restriction, 1 = enable restriction)

Disabling the change password button

Disabled "DisableChangePassword"=dword:00000000
Enabled "DisableChangePassword"=dword:௦௦௦௦௦௦௦௧

Disable lock workstation in Windows NT SP4

Disabled "DisableLockWorkstation"=dword:00000000
Enabled "DisableLockWorkstation"=dword:00000001

Disable registry editing tools

Disabled "DisableRegistryTools"=dword:00000000
Enabled "DisableRegistryTools"=dword:௦௦௦௦௦௦௦௧

Disable task manager

Disabled "DisableTaskMgr"=dword:00000000
Enabled "DisableTaskMgr"=dword:௦௦௦௦௦௦௦௧

Deny access to display settings

Disabled "NoDispCPL"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoDispCPL"=dword:00000001

Disable network control panel in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoNetSetup"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoNetSetup"=dword:00000001

Disable printer control panel in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoPrinters"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoPrinters"=dword:00000001

Disable passwords control panel in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoSecCPL"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoSecCPL"=dword:00000001

Hide display appearance tab in display properties

Disabled "NoDispAppearancePage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoDispAppearancePage"=dword:00000001

Hide background tab in display properties

Disabled "NoDispBackgroundPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoDispBackgroundPage"=dword:00000001

Hide screen-saver settings tab in display properties

Disabled "NoDispScrSavPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoDispScrSavPage"=dword:00000001

Hide display settings tab in display properties

Disabled "NoDispSettingsPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoDispSettingsPage"=dword:00000001

Hide network identification page in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoNetSetupIDPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoNetSetupIDPage"=dword:00000001

Hide network access control page in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoNetSetupSecurityPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoNetSetupSecurityPage"=dword:00000001

Hide remote administration page in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoAdminPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoAdminPage"=dword:00000001

Hide user profiles page in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoProfilePage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoProfilePage"=dword:00000001

Disable addition of printers in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoAddPrinter"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoAddPrinter"=dword:00000001

Disable deletion of printers in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoDeletePrinter"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoDeletePrinter"=dword:00000001

Hide General and Details pages in printer setup in Windows 9x
Disabled "NoPrinterTabs"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoPrinterTabs"=dword:00000001
Hide hardware profiles page in Windows 9x


Hide device manager page in Windows 9x


Hide File system button in system settings in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoFileSysPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoFileSysPage"=dword:00000001

Hide virtual memory button in Windows 9x

Disabled "NoVirtMemPage"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoVirtMemPage"=dword:00000001

Disable Single Mode MS-DOS applications

Disabled "NoRealMode"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoRealMode"=dword:00000001

Disable shutdown command for specified user

Disabled "NoClose"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoClose"=dword:00000001

Disable common program groups from displaying in start menu

Disabled "NoCommonGroups"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoCommonGroups"=dword:00000001

Don't save settings at exit

Disabled "NoSaveSettings"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoSaveSettings"=dword:00000001

Remove Control Panel and Printers from Settings menu

Disabled "NoSetFolders"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoSetFolders"=dword:00000001

Remove Taskbar settings from Settings menu

Disabled "NoSetTaskbar"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoSetTaskbar"=dword:00000001

Disable context menus for taskbar

Disabled "NoTrayContextMenu"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoTrayContextMenu"=dword:00000001

Disable explorer's default context menus

Disabled "NoViewContextMenu"=dword:00000000
Enabled "NoViewContextMenu"=dword:00000001

Specifying allowed applications to run in a restricted environment

Disabled "RestrictRun"=dword:00000000
Enabled "RestrictRun"=dword:00000001


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